Friday, June 15, 2007

This Week In Review--6/15/07

Well it has been a week. Tonight we had Maxie's 16th b'day party. He didn't want anything specific so we had a family/friends party and it was very nice. I made more red velvet cup cakes then I dare to think about...and he was thrilled. I love him with all my heart and that is all I will say. Since he has gotten everything early...his birthday blog will be on his birthday. I will add one thing about that nice family of mine....Cole has a junior Olympic kayaking tryout on Sunday and I will be going to that for certain.

I am so greatful for my family. Last night was fun. I picked up Mom and Ali who is just a hoot and so adorable that I am going to be crashing their partys all the time ;-). They are so cute and I think they had a blast. I believe that Ali and Mom are destined to get into too much trouble together and I hope they let me play too sometimes ;-). I no longer worry about mom and that is the biggest relief of all. Not like I worried all the time but I did and I don't.

Let's see what else...I have made no decisions on what I want to do with the house. I will probably end up keeping it no matter what even if I rent it out I do hope that Linda moves to the house of her choice in the area. Please pray for Shelia that her kidney stones and wheeze clear up completely. Please pray for my friend Gary's mother that she is completely cured of her cancer. Please pray for some friends of mine who's job have been eliminated that they get whatever it is they want and need.

We had a major outage this week at work. Funny after 3 years how hardware begins to fail. EOL on 24/7 systems is about 3 years. I am very lucky to have found this job. As much as I hate the politics and the hours. I have to admit to being an adrenaline junky and this job has certainly feeds that addiction. I love my work, the people I get to work with and all the fun things I get to do. Yes I think taking a huge system from one thing to another while continuing to improve it is a way fun/cool thing to do. Of course if we where given the appropriate amount of time to do the work it would be helpful instead of doing everything in a hurry.

I have worked 8 years on the same application working for the same manager, Vern Miller. Who I would walk a 100 miles in the sand to help in the worst storm. When I started with Vern his son was in high school and Vern was a devoted soccer dad. Not the kind that pushes there kid but the kind that loves them, like Stever, Derick, and Berl. When I think of good Dads these are the men I think of :-).

Anyway suffice it to say the day Vern retires I will be sob and I will make him cry too. Besides being a very smart man with a good technical background and business understanding....he is a good manager and he is a good person. He always says manager no value added...but that is so untrue. A good manager can make or break a team. I have seen one manager decimate a team to the point that people would start and quit in the same week. The same team given a good manager turned the team around and found performance improvements of cutting the time in 1/2.

Vern adds a lot of value. Hell he has kept me employed for the last 8 years. I would place my money on Vern any day...he is the classic nudge ;-) but a good guy while he is nudging ;-). Thank you Vern for all your support over the last 10 years (I worked with Vern for 2 years previous on Y2k).

I am not sure how this got to be a Vern Miller tribute? It really should be a tribute to someone else who has saved my system over and over and is did it again this week, but I will save that one for some other time. I am sure I will have plenty of time later this weekend to write when my Antibiotic kicks in again. I am trying to get back on track with that since I have gotten off track for a while because of work and moving mom. But I am going to work hard to get back on track with it. I would like to move up to 100 sometime soon.

Well I have a dog that needs walking and I think I will eat while I still can since my tummy won't like food soonly. But the side effect of that has been a good one too but also I am not hungry all the time which I was before so it is all good. I hope you who read this have a blessed day. And if you are going to Italy and you know who you are send me the info to send you a pressie for you to spend while you are there.

Take care...Be Safe....LU2PMBU

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