Sunday, December 10, 2006

12/10/2006--1st day of my protocol

Well today is the first day of my Lyme's protocol. Of course it could change after the results of my blood work last week. If I am co-infected then I will need to do some different antibiotics before treating the is all very complicated and hard for me to digest it all. Of course they say you shouldn't over tire yourself, have too much stress, eat sugar, white flour or drink, their are no restrictions on sex thank goodness ;-)...gotta have some vices ;=). Of course my job is overly stressful and will only get worse the coming months and year. The holiday adds some stress, and I have a vacation planned to Vegas in January. No drinking right ;-)...I will do my best but make no promises on vacation ;-). My goal next year is to convert all my favorite recipe to a healthy version. So I can use one for everyday and one for special occasions. Sally Fallon here I come ;-).

I will attack this on a 3 pronged level. 1st is medical. I will do what the doctor says. In the last year I have raised my good cholorestrol to 45. I have never broken 35 before. And I lowered my cardiac risk by 5 points which is significant but that was with Diet and Exercise. I walk daisy almost 1 mile a day and that is a good thing. I love that damn dog...I don't like dogs you know...but I have one and I love her more then I thought I would...and 2 cats...ok 3...but that one lives with my sister's is Cole's cat...i gave it to him. I love my kids. I may not have children but I didn't miss much because all my friends and family where generous enough to share theirs with me. They will all tell you I cry at all movies and loudest of all at Little Women, Ordinary People, Lion King, and they love me for it ;-). I hold those children dear in my heart even the ones that are adults or emerging adults. Oh sloppy sentimental Sally has come out. She must be stopped ;=). Just ask my team after a big project and a cocktail or two.

Today was a nice day. I didn't have any symptom's so to speak. Tomorrow I should feel like hell but those lymes can die, die, die ;-). I did start the antibiotic Friday night and Saturday I felt like crap. I need to start detailing what that feels like. The random pain. (I wish I could draw it since I am a loss of words to describe it), my brain fog, energy level, ringing of the ears, head congestion, heart irregularities, sound sensitivity, extreme start reaction, headaches, sun sensitivity, dizziness (hard one to track since it is so common), sleep disturbances, these should fall in the category is when they don't happen is more of a rarity, joint pain, and of course my favorite the fatigue.

So yesterday was a bad day physically but that is actually a good thing. As the lyme's bacteria die they release toxins that make your symptoms worse. Which would equate to their 4 week life cycle but they they will die every other day. So my protocol is 5 mg Benicar a day at bedtime and 1 50 mg minocyline every other day. The Benicar is a blood pressure lowering med and that is why I am on a low dose and at bed time. My blood pressure is already low so at night is better since I can sleep through the effects. Fatigue and dizziness. Then the next day a does of Minocyline. The Benicar unmasks the lyme bacteria because the longer they are in your body...the more they morph and find deeper places to hide. They also steal themselves for stress which is the antibiotic...hence why we do it every other keep them off guard.

That is the antibiotic that will kill the bacteria. They will die, toxins are release...i feel day we leave them alone...i feel good...repeat. It was amazing to me when I found out about this whole thing. It explained so much for was like a light going on. Whoa...that is me....i feel like that...i do that...omg all those symptoms are mine... The good news is I can treat it. Tomorrow should be a bad day physically and if it is that will mean the protocol is working. God I hope this works. If I could have the energy to do a lot of things that I would like to do...that would be the greatest gift of all. OMG...well I am greatful for whatever I got. The Thyroid meds made a huge difference and without it 2 cats, a dog and a home wouldn't be possible. Well, I have chores and since it takes me twice as long to do them as others...i best get started.

take safe...remember to take time to sleep, eat, exercise, and do something to make yourself smile.

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