Monday, February 19, 2007

2/19--Happy Birthday Sunny and Kathy Keltner whereever you are

Well...Sunny Bunny is 2. I cannot get out to see her but her software is in...but I did have the brilliant idea to pour buckets of how water on the ice tomorrow to get it out. Back to Sunny...she is a beautiful, and she is talking...she is a grand griley whirley and i love her dearly. I hope cannot wait to see her ad play with her on the computer...i do love her. In case we have any doubt....I love children. Having none of my own if you are my friend and you have a child...well I am an aunt. The kind that takes you to the movies, laser tag.... I look forward to having a similar relationship with Sunny that I do with my other kids.

I had a heck of a day...I pulled down lots more ceiling because of the ice damning thing. This was in the office. I am working hard to forgive myself for participating in this illusion....but today it all feels very real. But hey at least half way through when I drenched from the water pouring down my fiber glass insulation. I did have the good sense god gave me to go get gloves from my hair color. Least kept some of the fiber glass off my hands. Water was pouring out of the fiber glass insulation....just pouring.....pour and the more i pulled down...the more it poured. Tomorrow morning I will go pull more insulation down before it starts melting so I can get something underneath it all so it doesn't leak down the rest of the house.

I did have a good melt down and cried really hard sobbed really. I did consciously remember to forgive...i am not sure how much better it made it.. The thing that made it the best was pulling down the dry wall chasing the leak till I could see it. At least it stopped leaking to the main level. Well I am getting tired and my butt is sore from sitting writing this as I am watching tv and being distracted ;-).

take safe...lu2pmbu

And Kathy Keltner...Happy 40th or 41st.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

2/15--Happy Valentines, Homes, and life

1st of all Happy Valentines day to you all. I am blessed to have a lot of people that do things for me on Valentines. Mommy, Robbie, sometimes various friends...if I am lucky the animals all cooperate for the day ;-). So Thanks to all my loved ones that make me feel special not only on Valentines but everyday of the year.

On to homes....I have a 40 year old home that I truly dearly love. I have been making progress on getting done many things that where not evident when I purchased the home. Well I did win the taking of 2 of the trees down. I will take the other one down. However, I believe that I have a branch that fell on the roof my home and has caused my roof to leak and possibly collapse over the coarse of this night. I have done the best I can to minimize the damage.

The kids will sleep with me down here (listen to me calling my pets kids)...where it is leaking too but the bucket is smaller and needs to be changed more frequently. The real deal is no matter what happens...Whining is just not an option. I have my mother and my nephew that are alive and well. So a hole in my roof or is just stuff. The people I love and animals...are all I will be very greatful for what I have been given.

However, I might just vent for a minute ;-). No. I will practice what I preach and be happy that I have power. That I have all that I have. Hopefully sleep will come shortly ;-)....but if it doesn't I will put on my ipod using my itrip so i don't use my headset and listen to an evening meditation...till then i will check on my leaks and write in my blog ;-).

take safe....lu2pmbu

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

2/6--Learning is good

As part of the attacking of the Lymes I am finding that attacking it on a spiritual and physical level is helpful. Or maybe it is the culmination of a lifetime search for the thing that will make me feel better. Over the years I have found somethings worked better then others. I have never been able to put it all together. Now it is all coming together. Like a puzzle that actually has had a lost that everyone loved and always pulled out to play to the end and found it's piece was still missing. Then one day when the children are playing they find it while getting a ball that rolled under the couch. That night the family put the puzzle together with a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction they hadn't experienced before. That is how I feel. At 43 years old I finally understand my body.

I have always had a good understanding of myself. I mean I have always known I was different. Yes special. I am an old soul and a sensitive soul. Maxie is an old soul...Colie is an sensitive soul..Jimmy is a bit of both. I don't know about Wes and Sean since I don't know them as well. I am sure that I have traveled many lifetimes with these people I choose for my family and friends. And my pets...I am not a pet person ;-). Ok so in the secrets ....the universe has no word for not. So all my life I have said I am not a pet person. I have also had this uncanny knack with dogs and cats...even when I have been afraid of the dogs they always loved me. Kids too...and for the kids who know me now...they know I don't like kids ;-). God I'm blessed to have these kids, my friends, and my family. I choose well in this life. I think I might actually achieve enlightenment this time. But I have a while to go before I reach there.

Now looking back on my life I am so glad I stuck to being true to who I was. Even when it pissed off my mother, brother, sister, and friends ;-). I like the person I am and I like that I can travel the spiritual path of A Course in Miracles and be happy about being eclectic. I am glad I am different...that my experience has been different. It has given me a broad prospective that helps me embrace all kinds of people as my family and friends. I am just blessed.

I am feeling like crap and the cold is just kicking my butt....but I am seeing the benefits so that is a good thing. Blood draw tomorrow and I meet with Dr. Fishman March 5th. Well time to take Daisy out and me to close my eyes.

Take safe...lu2pmbu

Monday, February 5, 2007

2/4--Life is good

I've slept all weekend thanks to my herx (i call it hexing ;-) hexing reaction...been just whipped. My stomach too was torn those dying lymes ;-). I felt like crap but I have noticed some good things too. My hair is falling out less. My heart not fluttering. My night chills are not as bad. All very positive!! My energy is still low but that is okay. I am seeing results in other areas so that is a good thing. Besides I have a wonderful life, wonderful family and wonderful pets ;-).

I did go to whole foods today and bought some gluten free bread (till I bake some myself) and had toast tonight for dinner. I hope my tummy is more settled tomorrow so I can have some wonderful Chili Robbie and Derick made. It reminded me of the Christmas Eve Chili Cook-Off which I will get to not judge this year ;-). Anyway they also had GF muffins...and I bought and ate one of those too ;-). I have some recipes to try as well. The GF brownies are fab and I used Chai for the water, and added some toasted coconut and used coconut oil for the fat. So they are as healthy as something like that can be for you ;-).

Well I am falling asleep so that is all for now.

take safe...lu2pmbu.

Thursday, February 1, 2007


I am so proud of my kids. All of them. I love you all to pieces mieces beat you all. Somebody is going to have to add me to their myspace page so I can add comments. My email address is My myspace page is take a guess...LU2PMBU. See that way I always win ;-)...beat you all ;-) . Miss Mackenzie got her first CMA job and moved into her first place with her friends! Mackenzie you haven't taken the traditional road and well I relate well to that but you have hard on herself, hard at school and have become a wonderful young women.

Who would have thought that you would like to draw blood. You have always had a kind heart of course there might be a sibling or two that questioned that periodically. But you have prevailed and I think the hardest time of your life is behind you. Life does get easier as you get older and I think you realize that. You are a smart young women whom I am very proud of and you remind me a great deal of myself. You keep working on yourself and having fun in the process.

Now if I am blowing any ones news then I apologize but Congratulations Michael and Sandra. I am very happy for you. I look forward to meeting Sandra the next time I am out in CA. I am glad you all have found each other and that you are happy. Michael is a wonderful man and I am sure Sandra must be wonderful too. You turned out to be much like your father and I don't think there is a higher compliment than that one. It is amazing to think about when you all moved to Columbia and how you where just integrating your families. And now well you have integrated well...integrated a few of us you didn't expect along the way! I am so proud of all my family and friends. You are an amazing group of people I choose to hang out with in this lifetime ;-). I love you all.

For those that have made comments about please update more regularly. I am trying but sometimes...between work....the lymes....the house. Which has no more cat piss carpet in it!!! YAY!!! Sub flooring sometime suppose by the end of the week ;-). I went back to the doctor yesterday did some more adjusting. I have learned alot in the last month about making sure the benicar blockade doesn't get broken otherwise my symptoms get worse. I am definitely feeling better but I stopped the minocycline for 4 days and notice that the symptoms started to get worse on a daily basis. I am thinking by the end of Feb I will have a good understanding of how this works ;-).

take safe.....lu2pmbu